Sunday, January 4, 2009


well i made this beat last year when i was workin on my compilation cd called "The Broken Condom Complex"... the cd was supposed to be all my beats, bringin rappers from all over together... but of course, like everything else that happens in this city... it fell thru do to lack of motivation from the other artists... this song was intended for 6 rappers... and was supposed to be the 1st single off the project.... but once i saw the broken complex fallin apart b4 it really started, i didnt even bother to throw a 3rd verse on it... soul was one of the 6 rappers... and once we started workin on Open for Business, i called him up and said "u want lies?" and he already said he had 2 verses written

well here is the 1st single... at this point and time on souls cd, he had a bunch of great songs, but no singles... i wanted him to have that club banger, that was still hood, and still allowed him to keep it soul. i was actually talkin to soul on the phone while i was makin the beat, and when i started playin the bridge b4 the 3rd verse i had to stop the convo and tell soul id call him back, cuz i knew i was creating sumthin crazy! i had no concept for the song... and i love how soul ran with it... cuz in cleveland on a sat night, west 6th is always poppin, clear skys, rain or snow... and the beat just makes me feel like im standin on west 6th while its snowin

this beat was made durin the "i love hip-hop" stage of the mixtape... its a pretty easy sample... sets the mood right... soul needed a song for the ladies. when we went to record it, soul was afraid that his voice sounded too soft or different compared to the other songs... and i liked that about the song cuz... it is meant for the ladies... and they wanna be talked to like that. while we were recording it, i had this bright idea to play live drums at the end... and we ended up goin over an hour on our sessions just to record these live drums, that actually turned out raw... BUT... ull never hear them cuz terry and mick cut it off when they went to "88" haha its all good tho!!

now anyone that knows me, knows i love weird ass shit... the weirder the beat, the more i love the song... when i listen to sumthin and hear a diff sound each time, ill keep listening to it, over and over again... thats y i love timbaland! well i was thinkin how soul didnt have any of that yung zup swag to his cd yet... so i found a sound of a clock ticking, and then just started adding diff sounds and riffs around that... i remember playin this beat for one of my friends in my car, and they fuckin loved it, and i knew that once soul got on it, it would be classic... and sure enuff he called me and told me the idea of the song, and i loved it of course... and when i heard the actually song, i just remember lookin at him like "ur gonna make sum people mad with this"

1 4 U
i made this beat after we decided "no more love type songs"... and when i made it, it wasnt for soul... i just made it 4 whoever would want it... and i was sittin in his driveway b4 a show and i played it 4 him, and he just kept tellin me how he needs it and this was the one he was lookin for... and im glad i gave it to him cuz its prob one of my fav songs on the cd... listen to the 3rd verse, cuz he wraps up the "anniversary, lookin back" story!

if u dig back into the archives of this blog and watch the youtube video of me makin a beat... this is actually the beat... once this beat was done, i heard nothing but "outro"... and i had an idea for soul to write a song about a lil kid dreamin of what hes gonna be when he grows up... i even had a hook 4 it, but soul took a diff approach, and i like it alot more... this is one of my fav beats, cuz i feel like the drums, piano, bass, n strings just all mesh perfectly together and with soul spittin over it, its just ends the cd perfectly!!


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